
Once upon a time, a joint passion for the wonders of the planet Earth brought a researcher and an artist together. They couldn’t help but talk about plants, trees, marine species, insects, and coral for hours. They were simply fascinated by the ways that these non-human species lived their lives and survived the most extreme environments. We have a great deal to learn from them!, they thought. Bit by bit, those conversations turned into stories, images, storyboards, and imaginary scenarios. These were creative tools that helped them better understand their connections and entanglements with non-human species. Multispecies Storytelling is born of their joint effort to bring art and research together and fabulate new worlds.


Airin Farahmand

Airin is a Netherlands-based Researcher working at Radboud University. Her current project is concerned with the plastic crisis and its manifestations in contemporary art. In her past life, she was an engineer with a heart for theater and cinema.

Airin Farahmand

Masoud Sabahi

Masoud is an Iran-based motion designer with a keen interest in experimental animation. One of his projects deal with the question of non-human storytelling across various media.

Masoud Sabahi